Speaking of the Pickle Finger
Can you find the Pickle Finger on this map? I can. I can find cabins and rocks and waves. I’m not sure about birds. They seem to look a lot like waves in the key, so not sure which are which. The ship is a no-brainer. Muksaslooie and something called a mousemole are in the key but I can’t find them on the map. There are some sorta p*nis-looking things on the map. I can’t tell from the key *exactly* what they are. Does that say “houses”? Oh, wait! I bet they are *light*houses! There *are* (or were) lighthouses in roughly those spots on the map.
I found this Cabin Map while randomly triaging all of the crapola that resides on my laptop. It is a VERY GOOD map of the moominbeach although I think it is cut off at the edges by whoever scanned it… I was puzzled at first about which of the Beach Urchins had created it. After I saw “mousemole”, I think I have a pretty good idea 🐭 Or maybe not – see comments 🦎
February 6th, 2018 at 6:30 pm
I kind of think maybe I made that?? I don’t know maybe that is Mouse’s handwriting. And those mystery buildings are the old sheds which are actually closer to Moe’s…
February 6th, 2018 at 6:37 pm
I dunno either, it could’ve been you. It was scanned at some point, so the creation date is unknown. You did do a prodject about Muksaslooie in 5th grade, therefore you may have been thinking about that cat more than Mouse might have. At any rate, it is a very good map and I love it whoever drew it!
February 6th, 2018 at 7:23 pm
Definitely a keeper! I love it!