Happy spring???
March 20th, 2025 by kayak womanIt’s pretty hard to see even when you embiggen a couple times but there are snowflakes out there. On the first day of spring.
This is typical in the Great Lake State so ho-hum. Although I was really annoyed at myself for not putting on my glubs and balaclava to take the carts out for pickup tomorrow. It was frickin’ cold, not to mention that the wind blew a little paper Snag tights baggie out of my hands and I had to chase that around for a bit. I have too many tights so I have sworn off buying them for a while but I needed green and these were green and they don’t *always* have a green color I like. Emerald is my fave. These are not quiiiite emerald but they’ll do. Snag *always* has raspberry, which I LOVE.
Anyway, the temperature stayed in the mid to upper 30s today and there was no snow accumulation and we just have to wait it out. The eastern yooperland got pretty well slammed today. Pictures I saw from friends on facebook showed horrendous driving conditions, I can only guess verging on whiteouts depending on when or where. Also it looked like there was a lot of deep slush. I love the yoop but when someone once asked me if I wanted to move up there, my immediate answer was, “Seeya!” He hasn’t forgotten about that.
There is a place on the northbound I75 SUV Speedway just about at the Rudyard exit (in the yoop) where there is often a whiteout during a snow storm. I have survived that whiteout a few times in my life, most often in the crappiest, most rusted out Pinto wagon on earth. Years and years later, I was in the yoop when The Commander was sick. UKW flew out to say goodbye to The Comm (and support me). She landed in Traverse City and rented a modern “big girl” car like a Honda Accord or something to drive the three or so hours to Sault Ste. Siberia. There was snow and Accords are fantastic in snow, at least the one I once owned (we bought it new in 2001) was.
I had thought to warn UKW about the whiteout area but worried it would be too much information to add to her travel plans. She’s a good driver and I trusted she could deal with it. When she arrived, she *had* experienced that whiteout. I told her yes, it was an infamous place, and she said she had wondered if it was a known “thing”. Yes. It was known. She made it safely and us FinFam gals are a pretty intuitive bunch although certainly not to the point of telepathy or ESP 🤣