I can still do it.

Flash, that is. Even though I couldn’t find my book for the life of me. It’s been over a year since I last created a Flash animation. This is a quick, cheap and dirty one. I don’t have time to sit around and play with Flash when I’m supposed to be cleaning out the dungeon or whatever. It *does* flash. I dunno if it’ll even work on everybody’s browser. Internet Explorer folks, I am looking at you and, of course, it won’t work on the iPhone. Betcha can’t figger out where to click!


4 Responses to “I can still do it.”

  1. Dog Momster Says:


    You got it, babe!!

  2. isa Says:


  3. kayak woman Says:

    You guys will *never* guess who could *not* figger out where to click. 😉

  4. mouse Says:

    grokGROK!! i love the cute aminals.