Working from home…

workingfromhomeI have mixed feelings about working from this particular home… Did I get anything done today? Well, yes I did. Even telly-phoned into our weekly defect meeting. Was it easy and fun? No, it was kind of like pulling out my hair. Beach day? Beach day? Beach day? Where was kayak woman? Working. From home. Looking out the window at the blasted beach!

This week’s defect meeting ended before noon. I knew that various people were already out to lunch by noon (no joke intended). I looked out into the yard / parking place. RegenAxe was dragging Bugs and Horsey’s kayaks down to the beach. I told RegenAxe something like, “Don’t wait for me, I have to find some things,” and I mobilized. Bathing suit? Check. Paddle? Check. Life jacket? Check. The Purple Kayak was already on the beach. Alas, when I finally got it together, boat-wake type waves were hitting the shore. It’s “deep” there this year (as in up to my knees) and I had to wait for those waves to die down.

Finally I got to launch. It was a quick ride. I went down to the Doelle house, up the rocky shore to where the old crib is, then I high-tailed it back. People have a lot of ambitious things on their “bucket lists”. I don’t have a bucket list but if I did, kayaking during my lunch hour would be on it and now I’ve done it. (I know, it doesn’t take much…)

Actually, I *could* kayak during my lunch hour down there in Cubeland. We have ponds galore and there are places I could easily launch from. But I would have to schlep a kayak to work (or figure out where to store one there). That might be do-able but then there’s the whole clothing issue. Even my very casual style of biz caz is not exactly the right thing to wear kayaking. I would have to be schlepping *clothing* back and forth and changing in the bathroom, etc., etc.

Anyway, it’s been two years since I have ker-plunked my rear end down into a kayak seat. That’s not *quite* true. I did one measly 20-minute ride last summer. But I don’t really count that. I’ve been a little busy the last couple years? Yeah, that’s my excuse. Maybe this year will be a better kayaking year. Hey, we have a new ‘yak that we haven’t even tried out yet. It’s waiting impatiently for us in the Landfill Driveway.

Leftovers tonight. Working from home again tomorrow, then it’s vacay / company holiday the rest of the week. Onward!

3 Responses to “Working from home…”

  1. isa Says:

    I crossed that lunch time kayak ride off the list in high school!

  2. kayak woman Says:

    Hahaha! I remember that! And I remember the day you banged into the Landfill because you thought you had encountered poison ivy. Miss those days (even when I don’t).

  3. Margaret Says:

    Yay for vacation, so that you can earn your moniker of Kayak Woman. I’ve never been in a kayak. Patt and I talked about getting a canoe but then he got sick. End of story.