We’ll have to stop meeting like this

aldiOne of the worst kinds of spam email is when the sender is a friend of yours. Or so you think. I have been fooling around on these here tubes for so many years that I can triage my email without even looking at the content. Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete. Ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

I fell for a spam email last week. It was from one of my best friends back in the days of the Haisley mafia. It was Lizard Breath who found this friend for me. The summer before she entered kindergarten, the GG took the beach urchins to an evening concert down at West Park. I was at work. Before they left, Lizard Breath announced that she was going to make a *friend* at the concert. And she did. She stood behind another little girl until that girl turned around and noticed the lizard. Guess what? They were going to be in the same kindergarten class! And so they did become friends and they are still friendly when they see each other. The mom and I? Well, we still live in the neighborhood and, although we are both very busy with jobs and family and whatever and don’t see each other very often, we are very good friends. The kind of friends who can pick up and talk after not seeing each other for months on end. (Or nine years. But that’s another friend.)

Anyway, I opened this email message and there was an invitation link to some sort of social network thing that I’d never heard of. Hmmm. Uncharacteristically of me, I clicked the link. Several screens later, I was “trapped” at an adult dating page. This didn’t sound like my friend and it wasn’t. Later on, she sent a follow-up message saying, “don’t click, it’s spam!” I replied, “how are you?” and we went back and forth a bit and then ended up at Knight’s for dinner tonight!

And it was fun but that’s about all I have tonight. It’s almost the end of a very busy week and the photo is the new Aldi’s grocery store that’s getting ready to open up on the corner between here and Knight’s. Where less than a year ago there was a warren of automotive repair shops. Progress? Or not…

Kayak Woman

3 Responses to “We’ll have to stop meeting like this”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I want to be able to be innocent and click on those things! But the spam seems to be getting worse and worse. I’m even picking up some trojans that are beastly to get off the computer. Ugh.

  2. Sam Says:

    Detest spam. Especially robo-spam. Do not enjoy going to Aldi’s, which only happens when out doing errands with The Botanist, who likes the place—or more accurately, their prices.

  3. kayak woman Says:

    Sam, I remember that “bacon for breakfast” overnight at your cabin with your parents and they were talking about Aldi’s and how wonderful it was.

    I will be interested to see how life, traffic, and everything will change in our neighborhood now that Aldi’s is essentially kitty-corner to our favorite upscale grocery store, the Plum Market.