I didn’t vote for him

Say it in a sing song voice. Just that I am so sick to death with polly-tickle talk that when it reared it’s fugly head when we met our friends of porterization tonight, I immediately piped up with something like, “I have only one answer to any political discussions tonight: I didn’t vote for him.” (We’re a mixed group in terms of politics.)

Let’s talk farmers and tariffs for just a short minute. If I understand correctly, in Trump’s first term, he enacted tariffs that negatively affected some farmers. Yet some them VOTED for him AGAIN. And what is he doing? Again? An article I read today quoted some farmers saying how sorry they were that they voted for him. SO WHY THE F*CK *DID* YOU VOTE FOR HIM? Clearly he has only his own greedy interests in mind. I knew that. I have always known that. Why do so many other people NOT see that. Oh, the price of eggs is high. It must be Joe/Kamala’s fault. Trump will fix it. Jeebus. To be fair (although I don’t want to be fair), it isn’t Trump’s fault either. It is an EXTREMELY complicated issue that cannot be pinned on any president.

On a happier note, our temperatures hit the low 70s today. Dexter’s Pub was pretty slammed and it was their first day of the season to serve outdoor diners. The last time we ate there, I climbed over a small snowbank to get to the sidewalk. Dexter’s staff was a bit disheveled dealing with the logistics of outdoor diners but they handled it with aplomb and we were very happy with the service.

70 degrees in March on The Planet Ann Arbor? Not totally usual but not unusual either. March is a mixed bag. We have had years of big snowfalls and freezing temps every day. We have had ice storms. But then. The year The Commander died (2012), we had a long string of 80/90 degree days in March. The flowering trees all, um, flowered two months early. The Botanist harvested the last asparagus of his long life from his sprawling mini-farm and Farmer John brought some to Cubelandia from *his* mini-farm.

At the end of our evening, the conversation veered over into existential stuff and I had to bag it. No bandwidth for that this evening.

Love y’all, KW

One Response to “I didn’t vote for him”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I didn’t vote for him either and don’t support any of his agenda. 70 degrees! It’s about 50 here and in the 30s at night. Still wintry. (for us)

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