Tower of Babel and “fintech”

I spent the whole day replaying a work meeting recording. Bit by bit. With many stops to replay little bits of things, sometimes multiple times, and taking notes in a word document. Like, whut are we talking about. As an example, one person got to the very end of a sentence and… I was waiting with bated breath for the last and most important word in the sentence. Alas, another person interrupted them before they could utter that last word. The conversation immediately veered off in another direction and I never got my answer.

This was *not* a contentious meeting. People were just caught up in the moment. Alas, I got left behind🤪 It’ll get sorted out. I am probably the only person at the meeting that replays the recording and I will keep doing it until I understand enough to have some coherent questions. That’s my job, business systems analyst (although they call me something with “engineer” in the title now). Believe it or not, my job involves anthropology, even though I have *never* studied that subject and certainly don’t view myself as expert in any way. But I *think* that was part of what I was working with today.

You know the “fintech” industry, right? Online banking and more, right? I describe myself on my social media profile pages as “Fintech pro masquerading as a vagabond”. Originally it was “IT pro masquerading as a vagabond”. When my original boss the LSCHP found me on Twitter (it *was* Twitter then), he told me he wished he had thought of that. BTW, it wasn’t scary that he looked for me on Twitter. But I’ll tell that story some other day. The synopsis is, “I was on vacation and my boss created a Twitter account to tweet me totally outta the blue.” 🤣

At some time quiiiite a while back, I decided to change my Facebook profile from “IT pro…” to “Fintech pro…”. OMG. People thought it was related to my last name (“Finlayson”). People thought it was because I was Finnish. I am not Finnish but people sometimes think I am because my last name begins with “Fin” and I have once-blonde hair. What the heck would “Finnish technology” mean anyway. Fancy saunas maybe?

The odd thing is that the term “fintech” has been around for a long time and I have been aware of it via corporate stuff. All of a sudden I am hearing it in the news (radio/internet) ALL THE TIME! Is this a new thing or have I been deaf to it for all these years?

One Response to “Tower of Babel and “fintech””

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’ve never heard the term–learned something new!