March in the yooperland
The first two photoooos popped up in memories today. The first is the GG’s Lyme Lounge encampment at the moomincabin last March (moomincabin in the background). Note that most years, it is impossible to camp at the moomincabin at this time of year. You’ll see why by the end of this post.
My cousin Grinch had parked Radical Betty’s (his late mom) car behind the moomingarage. The GG was a bit discombobulated by this but I cracked up. I remember when that car was new. Now it’s probably full of drywall dust and other detritus. I love my cousin *anyway* and I don’t care if he parks a car there when we aren’t around.
The GG left his camping spot the next day and by then a dusting of snow had come down. Straight behind the Lyme Lounge is the path to the beach.
This last pic was taken TODAY by my cousin Judd who lives year-round next door. This is the same place as the first pic except the moomincabin is *behind* the photographer so you’re looking at the Old Cabin.
This snowbank forms ALMOST every winter, last winter being a very unusual exception. To its right is our path to the beach, I dunno maybe 100 yards long or less. Gitchee Gumee makes a wind tunnel out of that path (lined by tall red pines, etc.) to form this snowbank, which is probably taller than I am. This is our “parking lot” and we don’t arrange to have it plowed because we aren’t THERE in the winter. Last I knew, one of my cousins plows the (two-track) road behind the cabins and he does *not* need to plow this!
So. Two years ago in APRIL, the GG was planning a trip to Tahquamenon. He rather nonchalantly said, “I think I will camp in the moomincabin parking lot.” This totally cracked me up. He has been going to the moomincabin for a very long time (since he started hanging out with meeee) and he should know better than that. I said, “I do not think you are going to be camping in the moomincabin parking lot this weekend.” Why not, he wanted to know. Within an hour or so, totally coincidentally, my cousin Judd sent me an almost identical pic to the one he sent today. Well. *This* is why you are not going to be camping there this weekend 🤪 The GG is in the yooperland *this* weekend but he is *not* camping and he is nowhere near Gitchee Gumee.
P.S. I can’t end this without expressing how lucky I am that I married a guy who actually enjoyed schlepping up and down the I75 SUV Speedway to stay in a small rustic cabin with his wife and in-laws. We still had an *outhouse* back then and the only indoor plumbing was cold running water to the kitchen sink via a garden hose from my uncle’s well next door. Not every spouse would be a happy participant in that. But he embraced the whole thing 🧡
March 8th, 2025 at 8:29 pm
He sounds like my late husband who liked roughing it. I am not as fond of that.
March 9th, 2025 at 12:35 am
Wow, that’s quite the snow pile for “spring”. I think all of the snow had melted the year Rey moved in mid-May. Cold still, but completely open to move about easily.
March 9th, 2025 at 9:03 am
I always enjoy seeing pictures and hearing stories about your cabin. (And I’ll repeat: I’m very envious.) When I met my husband I was 28 and my only experience with camping/tent living etc was from my girl scout days when I stayed for a week at a camp and basically hated all of it, but I was 9 and homesick. Early in our relationship Doug convinced me to go camping. We did and I LOVED it. Every bit of it (but we did have indoor toilets and showers so it wasn’t roughing it exactly). Martinis and steaks and a little weed made for some fine quiet evenings around the campfire. We still have all the equipment and I think we could still handle the entire business so we really should do it again before…you know…we can’t.