A zen day, sorta

I spent most of my day figuring out how to write about old SWIFT to new SWIFT. SWIFT is a protocol for sending financial transaction data to foreign countries. Plus a lot of coding to update our high fidelity prototype to reflect some of the changes. Really you don’t want to know.

Somebody once asked me if coding html, etc., was stressful for me. No, no, no it’s not. I love when I have a lot of html coding to do. It is a “zen” activity for me and frees my brain to work on other stuff I need to do but need “brain breaks” to accomplish. When I was young I used to sometimes practice my flute while watching TV or reading The New Yorker… Human brains are a lot more complicated than AI…

A nice mid-day interruption to my day was meeting my mouse and raccoon over at the Session Room for lunch. I am enjoying being beyond covid enough that I don’t fear entering restaurants any more. I know it sounds stupid, especially since when I *did* get *covid*, I wasn’t sick. But still, it took me a while. For a long time, I would go out to eat and while I wasn’t freaked about covid, I was exhausted afterwards. Not so much any more.

The hairstyle in the pic? I woulda *loved* that hairstyle when I was in junior high. You might be able to see that there is hair (MY HAIR) in the southeast corner of the pic. Of course it isn’t an actual hairstyle. It is an accidental pic of various indoor and outdoor LED lights that my phone duplicated in weird but wonderful ways.

Whem the beach urchins were young, they dyed their hair purple and whatever. Once I asked them to make me a purple streak in my hair. Alas, with my bushy hair, it looked like a blotch.

2 Responses to “A zen day, sorta”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    That photo would make great fabric!

  2. Margaret Says:

    I agree with Pam that the photo would be a beautiful fabric. I’m so much more worried about other things going on that I don’t have as much energy for Covid although I will get another shot soon.