Bait and switch?
So what did you expect “your favorite president” Trump to do? His first day in office… Mass deportation? Bring down grocery prices? Something bizarre about women and how they would love him? Cue up norovirus symptoms
Have any of those things happened? I don’t really pay too much attention to grocery prices but I know how important they are because “been there done that”. It is only through very hard work by me and the GG and some amazing bits of luck that allow me to be nonchalant when buying groceries. If anything, I want to pay it forward, like if the young hippie-looking guy in front of me in line has an out-of-state food card that doesn’t work, I will swipe my card to pay for his food. But I’m not sure Trump has done anything about lowering prices. I actually don’t expect presidents to have much effect on prices but he LOUDLY promised that and I think a bunch of low information voters without Bullshit Detectors believed him.
Immigration? I haven’t heard anything about his efforts in that endeavor but I haven’t been paying a whole lot of attention. For the record, I am *for* immigration. I come from immigrants as most of my readers also do. I think that there have to be rules about becoming a US citizen (and there ARE) but these folks are *people* and some of them are trying to escape horrible circumstances in their home countries. Fix the process so they can come in. They are not all “bad hombres”. A lot of them are moms with babies.
So those are a couple of things that got Trump elected. What is he doing? Jeebus. How many government workers have been “musked”? How many of those fired government workers voted for the asshole in chief. Did they realize that his “method” for lowering prices would be chainsawing their jobs? And that he would empower a crazy (yes, crazy) billionaire to execute his “plan”? A man who, while slashing the jobs that people depend upon to buy groceries and pay their mortgages (and by doing that boost their local economy), ridicules them on his X platform.
Federal workers are people. Yes really. With families and mortgages and grocery bills. There are always some deadbeats in every organization but largely, federal workers are dedicated to their jobs and also want to reduce “fraud waste and abuse”.
Oh yeah. the pic is from last Wednesday when great big snow clumps came down for a while. It’s warmer now and our back yard is flooded.
March 4th, 2025 at 8:02 pm
I’m speechless with rage on what is happening…and about the tariffs too. It appears that Canada is giving 47 a swift metaphorical kick in the nuts, as he deserves.