Have ya seen my wig around?

Loverly dinner tonight with beach urchins. I who have “everything” demanded a No Politics Day gift, being a music pod thingy that actually WORKS! I cannot connect to our old Home Pod without all kinds of difficulty and recently we have discovered if you accidentally turn it on it plays random music, usually not stuff any of us like.

So I received Wonderboom 4 yesterday and I got it set up today and I gave Lizard DJ power this evening and they all chose 1980s. Cool with me. The first few years of the 1980s we were still into rock music of many genres and that’s around when MTV first came out and was still good (maybe still is but we don’t ever watch it now). “Something” happened in the mid-1980s that switched our music listening habits from rock to Wee Sing Dinosaurs, etc. (“Dinosaurs On!”) I didn’t really listen to music much again until the mid 1990s when my main vee-hickle, the Island Teal POC, became permanently tuned into 1990s alt rock. I was driving kids all over town in that old POC and I loved the music.

Lizard and I were reminiscing tonight about various things from her childhood. Like books she read were way above her level (no parental supervision) or that people are trying to ban nowadays. And her 5th grade DARE “graduation” when the father of one of her friends (and a respected local lawyer) had to scramble his backpack out to his car when he realized that drug-sniffing dogs were in the room. Do they still do DARE nowadays? Neither of us know. Marijuana is now legal in the Great Lake State, a good thing in my opinion even though my limited number of experiments with it as a young person were not successful. Paranoia? Yes. And no thank you.

And somehow we got on to “Jane Says” by the band Jane’s Addiction. I always liked the song. She was not crazy about it, at least in part because it got played *all* the time. I dunno who Jane is and I don’t know all the lyrics but she is looking for her wig. This always totally cracked me up.

I am outta words for tonight. You’re welcome!

One Response to “Have ya seen my wig around?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I like alt rock and much of the ’80s music too. I love disco also as well as classical music. My tastes are eclectic. Fun to have a dinner with the family!