non-MAGA visitor (whew!)

So COVID kicked my natural introvert tendencies into high gear and I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with having a lot of Alone Time. Which I do this weekend as the GG is outta dodge.

I will always be introverted but I was happy to receive a text from a beach urchin this morning wondering if I wanted company. And yes. Yes, I did. I always love to be with my adult daughters but they are both VERY busy and the last thing I would ever want to do is to take away any of their down time to hang out with me.

But okay! C’mon over and have a beer. And yes she did. We are having an extended bit of bonus summer here so we sat in the back yard. Did we talk about MAGA? Of course we did. How could we not? But we are on the same side of that issue and don’t understand what the f*ck people see in Trump. “The economy”? Whut? People who talk about how well he does with “the economy” are not remembering the havoc the covid virus wreaked upon “the economy”. Trump totally mishandled the covid pandemic and doesn’t have a clue about “the economy”. To be fair, I don’t think anyone could have handled that crisis. But Trump was probably the worst president to be in “power” at that time.

What else did we talk about? TV and books for one thing. There is a second season of Silo out (sci-fi stuff)! I am watching Bad Monkey (Florida crime stuff based on a book by Carl Hiaasen) by myself and Joe Pera (again) with the GG. Joe is a quirky yooperland guy explaining life, the universe and everything. I will be watching season 2 of Silo. I don’t think the GG would be all that interested in Silo. He might like Bad Monkey. We’ll talk about books another day but Jane Smiley was an author of interest in my backyard today.

A prism in our front window made the rainbow colors on one of our dining chairs when I walked into the front living room tonight. I figure there was about a 10 second interval for those colors to show up and I caught it and somehow managed to fumble my phone camera open to capture the pic.

2 Responses to “non-MAGA visitor (whew!)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Silo Season 2 is out? Yay! I’m watching Shrinking and Matlock (the new one). I hate waiting for the next episodes to drop!

  2. l4827 Says:

    Yes, we are watching Matlock also. Fun! Always liked Kathy Bates as an actress.

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