Send a man to the grocery store for guacamole and he comes home with Limburger cheese 😵‍💫

At least it wasn’t “Limberder” cheese. Stupid MAGA joke 🐽🐽🐽

This is a wee glimpse into our MESSY back room Aaaa-dition during a football game. Go Li-ons. The Kindle belongs to a beach urchin who is happily ensconced in The Reading Chair. I did not show her face but you can see the GG over there watching the football game. It’s a cozy evening at the Landfill but it is not cold enough for a faaar in the faaarplace.

I had so much fun today! I went to the fabric store! Joann’s to be specific. The only one open on Sunday but I needed the kind of stuff Joann’s sells anyway. I have to phrase the next bit carefully so the beach urchins don’t think Old Baggy (their moom) is losing her marbles. I didn’t exactly get lost on the way there but the left turn into the back way to the Tarjay shopping plaza came up a lot earlier than I expected so I had to do a quick maneuver to turn on time. The problem is that there are umpteen bazillion more condos (I hate condos) there than there used to be. I drive by those all the time but haven’t made that left turn in a bazillion years.

Okay. I don’t think I have been in Joann’s since well before covid. I used to go there ALL THE TIME. I stopped buying fabric for a while (sorta). I even donated a bunch of my fabric but then I kinda regretted it.

Today? I didn’t get lost in the store but I kinda felt like a stone age person. I did buy some stuff and I easily found the cutting table. Okay. Zzzzzzip. Fancy lucky-shuckial scissor-type thing to cut the fabric. Cutting the fabric took the longest time of anything because it is still a MANUAL task and the woman who cut my fabric was careful to line it up properly. (The Commander would have approved.) And then, when she was all done cutting, she used a phone-looking device (but I don’t think it was a phone) to zippity-zip scan whatever information was on the ends of the bolts. She printed out a paper slip of what I bought and I handed it to the cashier at the front and paid. I told the cashier I didn’t need a bag or a receipt. She tried to force the receipt on me anyway and I told her if I didn’t end up using the fabric, I would donate it.

I somehow ended up with the receipt anyway and that was a good thing because it gave me most of the information on the end of the fabric bolt so I could look around online and see if I could get alternative colors, etc. Note to self.

He did buy guacamole.

One Response to “Send a man to the grocery store for guacamole and he comes home with Limburger cheese 😵‍💫”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Limberger is the stinky cheese, right? I love cheese but even I might not enjoy one that smelly. I haven’t been in a fabric store in a long time but I used to enjoy going there with my mom. So many different fabrics in colors, textures and patterns. It was fascinating.

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