Looming gloom and doom

We dredged ‘lectric Jack up from the Landfill Dungeon today. Here he is a couple years ago projecting his face onto the ceiling.

My thoughts have been a bit a-swirl today. Besides doing an archaeological dig through SWIFT financial file formatting and translating it to BAI data. Don’t ask😵‍💫 I love doing archaeological digs through online banking functionality so it was actually fun. I sometimes wonder if my banker dad has a clue about what I do for a living? Probably not.

The mis/dis info stuff? I cannot believe this. People? Please don’t just throw out anything any yay-hoo puts on social media for the rest of us unwashed masses. I am NEVER unwashed BTW. I am one of the cleanest people you know. But just sayin’.

Winning the prize for most egregious lie (or was it just the most cray-zee) is Marjorie Taylor Greene for accusing the “democrats” of creating hurricanes. Say what? This is miles above Trump using a sharpie to add Alabama to a hurricane that was projected to hit Florida but NOT Alabama. I also haven’t fact checked MTG’s claim but knowing MTG’s particular brand of nuttiness…

The whole Trump Party’s take on the recent hurricanes? Okay, FEMA screwed some things up with Hurricane Katrina. FEMA is undoubtedly not perfect with more recent hurricanes. Who’s perfect? It sounds like FEMA has improved a LOT though. That’s called learning from your mistakes. But despite Trump’s statements about how horrible the “democrats” response to recent hurricanes were, state governors (many GOP) denied his statements. And hurricanes? Every hurricane is different. For one thing? Helene did not spawn tornadoes. Milton? Tornadoes caused many of the casualties although casualties were far fewer than those of Helene. Hurricanes cannot be easily predicted. Who knew North Carolina would be one of the areas most affected by a hurricane that initially made landfall in Florida? North Carolina is not known for hurricanes.

The US government is far from perfect but it was created to serve The People (you and me), NOT the president. Changing our government does not happen quickly and I think that is by design. Although I find myself wishing we could jettison the electoral college.

The Republican Party is NOT what it used to be when I was a kid and my parents voted for its candidates. It is now the Trump Cray-zee Party. The Commander became an Obama supporter in her later years (before Trump of course) and her ashes have certainly been churning throughout Trump’s presidency and subsequent candidacies. Unfortunately I believe the Trump Party is pulling in young people who do not understand what World War II was all about and why otherwise carefree young men like my dad joined the service. A main mission (there were others) was helping to destroy authoritarianism in Europe. Do not vote for Trump. He does not care about anyone except himself. Dangerous person.

G’night, Cassandra

One Response to “Looming gloom and doom”

  1. Margaret Says:

    You don’t have to worry about me voting for Trump–or my mom, daughters and son-in-law. My brother and sister-in-law are another story though. 🙁 They are evangelical Christians and think the sun shines out of his you-know-where.