Dancing Crane Coffeehouse

dancingcranefbAs much as I love Barry Bagels and Zingerman’s at the Plum Market, I miss the Dancing Crane Coffeehouse so much when I am down here on the Planet Ann Arbor. The coffeehouse is on the Bay Mills Indian Reservation, just down the road from King’s Casino. I think I only managed to get there once this summer. Sigh.

The Dancing Crane offers the same stuff as Starbucks but I think they do a better job and they are way more FRIENDLY!!!, plus they have smoothies of all sorts. They have wifi and you do not have to pay for it, like you do at Starbucks (last I knew, I’m not a Starbucks regular, partly because of that). If you need to plug your laptop into their powerstrip, they appreciate a tip. I always try to give an extra good tip anyway because I love the place so much. Da Yoop needs more places like this coffeehouse.

If you are not plugged in to the internet 24/7 like yours truly usually is, there are many beautiful books and board games and puzzles and, on one rainy Saturday afternoon in August, a musician entertained us from the intimate stage. If you are in Michigan’s eastern upper peninsula, the coffeehouse is a wonderful place to visit.


4 Responses to “Dancing Crane Coffeehouse”

  1. Pooh Says:

    The Dancing Crane is also a great place to visit on an EUP bike ride — before, during or after!

  2. kayak woman Says:

    Yes, Pooh’s right, not that I’ve ever done that. And btw, I didn’t really mean to dis Starbuck’s! Some of those are better than others, none are particularly near the Landfill! Or my work.

  3. l4827 Says:

    That is a really nice place. Their outdoor grilled burgers are really good! There is a wonderful and vast assortment of teas and fruit drinks to choose from.

  4. Margaret Says:

    I like the name of it too! As you know, we have tons of Starbucks here and although I like their mochas (a lot), I prefer to visit/hang out in family owned or small business coffee shops. My older daughter won’t go to Starbucks; she calls them “The Evil Empire.”