Gas Can Man

Or maybe Gas Can Fam since the cFam, at least the boyz, have emulated their daddio’s engineering talents. Some of the girls too, and definitely a couple of granddaughters, including the one who is gonna come over to the Landfill tomorrow and put some air in one of Cygnus’s taaars.

I love that I can display Cygnus’s tire pressure on her dashboard but it also drives me a little nuts. But it’s better than just having a taaar light come on and have no clue which tire is low like in the Ninja. In 2008, there were no fancy dashboard screens.

Both of Cygnus’s front taars seem to have slow leaks. This morning, the right front tire was at 26. Not good. This was not a dip due to cold weather. It wasn’t THAT cold this morning (low 50s) and just a few days ago, the tire was at about 31, which is low but not drastically so. I really need to learn how to do this stuff myself. There is a pump in Cygnus after all. I just don’t know how to use it.

I grew up in a patriarchy, albeit a friendly one and one in which the matriarch (my mother) ran a lot of family things. My dad and brother were car guys and I never really learned how to do much more than pump my own gas, which I do with aplomb.

As an adult, whenever I arrived in my brother’s driveway, he would meet me with a smirk and a tire pump. Once when we were in the yooperland, he didn’t like the looks of my POC’s tires so he personally took my vee-hickle into UP Tire and bought me new tires. At my expense of course. I had no problem paying for it.

Then there was the day mouse and Pengo were gonna drive into town to buy I dunno what. They were teenagers and mouse was a newly licensed driver. Well. Moooom, the van makes a funny noise. Oh man, my brother was johnny on the spot when he heard that. It had been a boring day and this was exciting for an automotive engineer with a sorta silly sister when it came to cars. Within minutes we were all heading into the local Chrysler dealer. Steering wheel fluid or something like that.

The GG has gotten toadily roto about car maintenance since then and mostly keeps up with it at the dealership or Discount Tire or wherever. Maybe my brother is poking him from wherever my brother is? I dunno. The POC (Chrysler minivan) was also the last American made vee-hickle we bought. Honda, Toyota, and Subaru since then and those cars almost never let us down. And make no mistake, many of them are made in the USA, employing many of our country’s citizens.

Photo from the Hoton Lake garage in 2010 sometime after it was dry-walled.

One Response to “Gas Can Man”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Patt wasn’t a car guy like his brother (nor is John, also like his brother) but being mechanically minded, they can/could figure out just about anything. When I was widowed, I had to work on increasing my level of knowledge about cars, houses, lawn maintenance and all the other tasks that I depended on others for. I’m still learning!