
First of all, what a boring weekend. Warm but rainy, which prevented me from spending early Saturday morning hanging around outside listening to the Umich band practice before the football game and then after chores and errands from reading in the back yard. Today was better and that made me more energetic. It isn’t unseasonably warm for the end of September but it also isn’t often this warm so I’m trying to eke out as much backyard time as I can. But okay, it is raining again and on NPR Taj Mahal is cake walking into town so I am heading back inside.

Would you let Trump babysit your children/grandchildren? How about Trump as a pre-school teacher?

So these questions were asked on a long, complicated facebook thread yesterday. They were only two of many issues discussed. I have to say that I don’t think there was even *one* disrespectful comment. I could tell when people were bending over backwards so as to not indicate that they thought someone was full of you-know-what. I did not interact. I know (well) the original poster and some other folks. Others I do not know at all. Given the recent debacle I inadvertently started on facebook via a post I intended as humor, I stayed out of the fray, respectful as it was.

The thing is, some people (women!) said they would be happy to let Trump babysit their grandchildren. And teach pre-school classes? Whut?

Um, Trump a babysitter? Really? Well he *has* grandchildren, right? So he would automatically be an appropriate babysitter for Other People’s Grandchildren? I can’t speak to what kind of relationship Trump has with *his* grandchildren. I heard his teenage granddaughter speak at the GOP convention and she did a great job (and I mean that sincerely) framing him as “everybody’s silly grandfather” or whatever. The key word in all of this is *his*. They are *his* grandchildren.

Although I am not an expert in Trumpism, I have spent a lot of time reading/listening to him over the last how many years is it? I thought he was a nutcase before that but it didn’t matter because he didn’t have anything to do with our country so I didn’t pay much attention.

I do not think he gives a rat’s ass about children. Except maybe the unborn but I don’t think he really cares about them either except to gain political points with the anti-choice crowd. If I had grandchildren, I would NOT hire Trump to babysit them. And I can’t FEATURE him “teaching” a pre-school class. Really? What would he teach? (Can he teach?) Can you imagine Trump kindly helping a small child use the bathroom? C’mon. [Insert every LOL and cray-zee emoji that exists.]

Y’all, Trump is only into the presidency for HIMSELF! He has usurped the GOP. Do not vote for him! He is not the Messiah, he’s a plain old shyster.

G’night, Cassandra of Birch Point Beach (and the USA)

One Response to “Babysitters…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I wouldn’t trust him to babysit my cat much less my grandchildren. I don’t think he knows how to care for anyone other than himself.