Make America Rake Again

Just when I thought Trump couldn’t get any farther off the rails, blahggy friend Pam alerted me to the whole Giant Faucet stuff that was all over the internet today — at least in the PACNW and Canananada. Cue the Giant Faucet memes (this isn’t a meme, just the first pic I saw of such a thing with a nice codgerly op-ed piece to go with it).

Apparently this giant faucet if turned on (it takes a “day” to turn it on according to Trump) will divert water flowing “aimlessly” to the Pacific Ocean through Oregon down to California. I think the Giant Faucet is a metaphor for a complicated and EXPENSIVE design for re-directing huge amounts of water from where it naturally wants to go (the Pacific Ocean?) to somewhere else (California). Not that I think Trump knows what a metaphor is🐽🐽🐽 He went to “bidnis” school roight? Gimme a liberal arts major any day. I know there are folks who disagree with that but we’ll go there some other day.

Subject Matter Experts on “water” are, I’m sure, laughing their asses off. The scientist in this clip (YouTube from Canada News Today) is being very polite as she explains how full of shit Trump is. Water may look like it is moving “aimlessly” but it is not.

I am not any kind of a water scientist but when I was a kid I spent many hours down at the “pond” on the moominbeach. It wasn’t really a pond. It was a “stream” that drained water from wherever into Lake Superior. Us kids would spend hours and hours damning up the stream with sand and driftwood and I’m sure we learned a lot about how water flows. None of that knowledge stuck with me exactly but it was a whole lot of fun.

I do remember the day my big teenage boy cousins Muck and Muck (a beach toddler called them that at the time, it was actually Mac and Mike) were playing “hydroplane” with flat pieces of driftwood and an errant piece accidentally sliced a teeny little corner of my little brother’s mouth. I usually teased my little brother terribly but when I saw the blood, I kicked into HIGH BIG SISTER GEAR, grabbed him and ran him down the beach to the moomincabin, screaming the whole way🤪, which probably scared him half to death. The Commander took us into town, my uncle/doc put a couple stitches in and he was right as rain.

So, MAGA friends? How can you vote for an idiot like Trump? This whole Giant Faucet stuff reminds me of when wildfires were raging in California during his presidency and he was telling people to clean the forests. Hence the title Make America Rake Again. It would be okay if he would actually listen to some Subject Matter Experts but naw, he’s smart (so he says) and he knows what to do. Our country deserves better and the GOP needs to Dump Trump. (Er, not that I would vote for *any* Republican in this day and age anyway.)

2 Responses to “Make America Rake Again”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I used to vote for an occasional Republican; they USED to be moderate here in WA. Now they’re not and will buy any crazy stuff that 45 is selling. A Giant Faucet? WTH is happening to people’s brains that they would believe this and/or vote for him.

  2. Pooh Says:

    As you know, Canada does send some water into the Great Lakes, that would otherwise flow “aimlessly” to IDK, Hudson Bay? This water is regulated for the purpose of shipping channels. Canada can also change the water levels, as when there was high water/narrow beach a few years ago. As I understand it, the higher water levels benefited some rich houses on the St. Lawrence.

    I believe that water diverted to LA currently, would have flowed “aimlessly” to the Rio Grande. Maybe the Rio Grande would be less shallow without this diversion?

    Maybe Jay will weigh in on my random hypotheses, since she is a (very civil) hydrology pro.