I am not the matriarch

I am certainly not but as the eldest of five FinFam women at dinner tonight, that word kept floating through my head. But nope. Actually I think my female cousins and I could compete to be “the” matriarch if we wanted that “title” but I don’t think any of us want it 🧡

Us five (me, cousin npJane, my kids and niece) ate at Miss Kim tonight, down in Kerrytown. I have a long history with Kerrytown. It is of course where our legendary farmers market resides, as well as Sparrow Meats and Monahan’s Seafood and once the now defunct Kitchen Port. I took my parents there ALL THE TIME when they visited us! It was probably one of The Commander’s favorite shops ever (except for John Leidy (which was not in Kerrytown)) and my old coot would happily hang around wherever. This courtyard is one of the places Lizard Breath practiced walking.

As I sat in Miss Kim tonight, I was trying to remember what it was way back when Lizard was a baby and before. Was it Pastabilities? Yes, I think it was. There was a cafe there but what I most remember is buying a wonderful pasta salad there. I think I was eating Korean food in that old space tonight. We ordered a bunch of small orders to share.

Sitting in Miss Kim wishing I were better at using chopsticks (‘poons were also available and I mostly used one), I also remembered my first Chinese restaurant, as a teen or maybe a tween. The Pagoda was across the river in our sister city Sault Ste. Siberia, Ontario in Churchill Plaza and we went there pretty frequently. I ALWAYS ordered sweet and sour pork but what I remember the most (or maybe I was just told this) was that my Scot/Canadian/American grandmother was a master at using chopsticks, having never used them before.

My grandma was a matriarch. A lovely, kindly one. I am just a baggy old kayak woman and I like it that way.

Babblety babblety g’night.

One Response to “I am not the matriarch”

  1. Margaret Says:

    We used to always go out for Chinese food; there were so many restaurants. That and Mexican were our choices. Now there is so much variety of cuisines available. I never got comfortable using chopsticks!