Baggy old moom field trip and usefulness

Another gorgeous day but on this one I got to play hooky from work for a bit and drive out into the country north of town.

Kiddo: a package is coming to my house, can someone pick it up? Yes yes yes yes! It is Friday. Nothing much is going on at work that I need to be johnny-on-the-spot for. If something comes up I will deal with it. I would love love love love to drive the back (dirt) roads north of town to pick up your package. And so I did. And then (as expected) another package came to myyyy house.

I was given permission to open these packages. They were just fabric (just?) and so I did open them and sent this pic to the recipient, who is currently down in South Carolina but will be home soon. Opening packages that were not addressed to me was kind of an end-of-week mini-reward. And the beach urchin recipient does not have to deal with recycling the boxes because I have already done that. So I got to be useful today.

Reading? Count the Ways. So far? Yes but… A quick enough read though. Oh, maybe a few too many mix tapes… Watching? My Octopus Teacher. It is beautiful and I love it but oh man, the underwater scenes lull me to sleep when they don’t make me nervous (delete a bunch of blargle about my iffy relationship with water over my head). So I have paused it for the night. I AM FASCINATED by octopuses and will definitely finish it tomorrow.

One Response to “Baggy old moom field trip and usefulness”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I loved My Octopus Teacher although I cried a lot of happy/sad tears. Beautiful fabric!