A picture I did not take in a place I’ve never been

My mouse took the pic omewhere in the Carolinas, I know not where. I have walked a bit of the Atlantic coast though. When the beach urchins were seven and almost-five, we loaded up the Exxon Tanker Valdez and took them and an older cousin to Crazy Old Florida to visit the kids’ grandparents. All three girls are beautiful blondes and when people thought they were all mine, I didn’t always correct them.

We took a slow route down, through Washington, DC, then down through Virginia but NOT on the freeway. Because we visited Asateague Island. I walked that beach a bit wearing my 1980s long puffy down coat and listening to Celtic music. Somehow. Must have been via a Walkman? I can’t remember how I accomplished it. It was cold but beautiful.

On down through the Carolinas and Georgia but on the freeway at that point. We had a day when 🐭 could not stay seated. We flaunted flouted all laws and let her out of her seat belt and she flip-flopped between the middle and back seats for quite some time. Just like I used to do before my family had cars with seat belts. I remember seeing signs for “car-train to Florida” and I so wanted that.

A penultimate stop at Disney World before landing at the grandparents. I was fantasizing about breakfasting on the lanai the next morning having a loverly breakfast. Reality? I was woken up by an almost five-year-old standing next to my face asking, “Mom? Have I ever been here before?” Well… No… (Except for last night when we arrived.) And then there was rat poison on the lanai table and a damp towel draped over one of the chairs. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my in-laws. I have never had a desire to return to Disney World. It was fine but once was enough. I don’t like carnival rides or fake stuff.

A bit of an addendum to yesterday’s book banning post. In the heat of the original VOT discussion, I failed to remind people that Moms for Liberty (or any recent book banning groups) are not likely to be interested in banning books by old dead white men like the authors I mentioned yesterday.

One Response to “A picture I did not take in a place I’ve never been”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a gorgeous picture! I’ve been to Florida a couple of times but never Disney World. At this point, I don’t see myself ever returning.