Woooo hoooo

Boy did it ever feel good to watch a debate where Trump got put in his rightful place. Over and over and over again.

Talk about off the rails? When he started talking about “aborting” babies after birth? A MODERATOR shut that whole thing down with something like, “There is no state in which killing babies after they are born is legal.” THANK YOU!!!! And can we just end the crazy talk?

But apparently not, because what else did we have to endure? Immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio? Really? This almost tops the post-birth abortion and public school gender change surgeries except it is even more ludicrous. Memes about this are sprouting up all over. Dogs driving cars out of Springfield, you name it. Also, “Springfield Ohio Pet Rescue has reported a ten fold increase in donations” but I don’t know if that is a meme or TRUE. I hope it’s true because even though the pet-eating thing is total BS, pet rescues can always use money. I don’t know how all the MAGA folks can process the cognitive dissonance of their prospective “leader of the free world” spouting all of this crapola. What an ignoramus.

I thought Kamala met all of Trump’s bullcrap with poise. She didn’t let him get away with any blasted BS. She countered all of his lies with facts and threw things back at him left and right. I had intended to listen to the debates on the radio but for complicated reasons, I ended up streaming it (quietly) instead on my laptop. That turned out to be a good choice because I could see their (hilarious) facial expressions, etc.

I realize last night’s debate will not decide the election but it was a breath of fresh air to see that Kamala (and the moderators) did not let Trump get away with his usual lies, intimidation, and other crapola.

Pet-eating immigrants. What next? [Shakes head.]

One Response to “Woooo hoooo”

  1. Margaret Says:

    He is completely NUTS. I shudder to think of him in charge and making decisions for this country on the national or international level. He knows absolutely nothing!