Help wanted: blahg editor 😵‍💫

I am just kidding but I want to clarify a couple things I said yesterday. Blahggy friend Margaret pointed out one of them, which was when I said that Hillary wasn’t the best candidate (in the 2016 election). Actually I believe that Hillary WAS the best candidate in that election. I hated Trump and still do (y’all know that though). I actually do think she had/has everything it takes to be our president.

What I was skeptical about at the time was running another Clinton. And that only because I am skeptical about too many people in one family as president. Of course, that was early in the race before (I think) we knew Trump would actually run or, Unknown Deities forbid, actually WIN. Once she committed to running and became the nominee, I fully supported her, even giving a small donation to her campaign (and am still getting spam from that but that’s a whole ‘nother story). Like many others, I was devastated (and surprised) when Trump WON. I think we’d be much better off if he had lost and Hillary had been 45. [Delete long boring disjointed thoughts about that.]

As I was re-reading, I noticed I also disparaged “under-educated” folks. I regret referring to the MAGA followers and anyone else as under-educated. The level of education a person has reached doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence or critical thinking skills or creativity or whatever. Nevertheless, when you see a clip of an insurrection participant sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s (or whoever’s) office saying something like, “Well we’re here, so let’s form a government”, you have to wonder WHAT they are thinking or if they are even CAPABLE of thinking.

Two more things. 1) It is soooo hard to edit your own writing, especially if you blather on a daily basis. I’m probably preaching to the choir on that. 2) I like to be disagreed with (respectfully) and appreciate being called out when someone does disagree. We may or may not continue to disagree and it doesn’t matter (people disagree) but I wrote particularly clumsily yesterday and this is my attempt at some clarification.

Contemplating whether to brave watching (actually listening to) tonight’s debate or hide under a rock.

If you do click over to Margaret, check out her cat’s new cousin or whatever 🤣

The pic has nothing to do with anything I wrote today. It’s a pic of the moldy old cFam Hoton Lake cabin before the cFam sibs bulldozed it and built a new modern dwelling. I posted it to the cFam FB group last night as a comment to a niece’s BEAUTIFUL sketch of the modern cabin. As many times as I have posted and/or looked at this photo, I never noticed my shadow until someone commented about it last night. Jeebus.

One Response to “Help wanted: blahg editor 😵‍💫”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Thank you for clarifying! I’m a huge HRC fan and would have loved to have her as President. I wouldn’t say that T lovers are all dumb, but to believe all the dreck and outlandish *stuff* that that guy spews requires a level of gullibility that boggles the mind. I also know that some want what he espouses: government control and suppression of women’s rights, punishment for differing views, propaganda as “journalism,” no unions, cut backs in SS and Medicare and tax breaks for corporations/the uber wealthy. I could go on but I’m depressing myself. I thought we were better than this. I was wrong.