Liar Liar Pants on Fire (subtitle: I am Woman, Hear Me Roar)

A while back MMCB2 and I were talking and she (a former school board member) had been asked what a good quality for an elected official might be. I almost immediately came back with HONESTY! Wnich she agreed with (she is a MENSCH). I know that’s a little, I dunno, idealistic and maybe naive? I know that many many politicians are in it for themselves. Still, I would like to believe that they also care about their constituents. Like MMCB2 did. But not all do.

I was busy busy busy at work today but in the mid-afternoon, I heard one of the NPR talk shows talking about Trump and the outright lies he spews and how the news media SHOULD deal with them but usually doesn’t. Two of the most egregious lies Trump spews that I can think of are 1) “Democrats” support “aborting” babies after they are born (alive) and 2) Public schools are performing surgeries on children to change their gender. The second was what the program was talking about today. Whut?

Um neither of these things are true in any way, shape, or form. Do babies die after being born alive? Yes, they do. When that kind of thing happens, it almost always means the baby was born with a medical condition incompatible with life and the parents decided to carry to term and spend a few minutes/hours/days with their child before saying good-bye. Do people (their parents) kill their own newborn babies? Alas, sometimes they do. When this happens, it almost always means mental illness or maybe a freak accident. None of this is anything that “Democrats” or anyone else supports.

Surgeries on children to change their gender? Whut? Have schools somewhere and sometime in history operated on children without their parents’ consent? Probably. Horrible things have happened (and still do) to children in schools. Surgeries? Nope. Not now. At least not in the USA. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN! It just doesn’t. What public school nurse is prepared not to mention ALLOWED to do much more than clean a small wound and bandage it? I don’t even think it’s okay for them to provide “aspirin” any more but who knows.

Where does Trump get this stoopid crapola and why does the news media let him get away with spewing it? Some of his “followers” are gonna say something like, “It’s just Trump being Trump.” Sorry, but if you think that you are stupid. I’m just gonna say it, since I have been called stupid by various family members for being anti-Trump/MAGA since the beginning. Nope. He is just a nutcase and not fit to run for president. He only won in 2016 because Hillary was not the best candidate. And I actually like Hillary but that is a true statement. And then his lies (yes, lies) took root in the under-educated MAGA folks and are we ever gonna get rid of the god damn orange idiot?

I don’t wanna let this go on too long so KAMALA, YOU GO GIRL! Beat the shit out of Trump in the debate. Don’t let him Gish Gallop you. I’M SPEAKING! Loud and clear. People are standing behind you. I am not a person of color. I am a WASPy-type Scottish-Canadian-American woman who stands in support of Kamala.

One Response to “Liar Liar Pants on Fire (subtitle: I am Woman, Hear Me Roar)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I would only disagree with you about Hillary Clinton; she was the best candidate but got smeared by that whole “email” fiasco. As for the schools, it is such a ludicrous claim that I can’t believe that 45 isn’t being lambasted for it. The schools don’t even have enough money for copy paper and the school nurse can’t give out any aspirin or any medication without doctor consent. It blows my mind how gullible/stupid too many people can be!