
I am sort of a total blank tonight. What did I do today? I watched a recorded work meeting no fewer than three times. I will be watching it again. Then I will be asking if we could SLOW-WALK through the whole issue so that the BA (that’s meeeee) can try to understand it head to toe. I get little bits and pieces of it but then somebody interrupts and sends the whole thing into a totally different rabbit hole and I can’t catch up again.

The Landfill Chitchen is a weeeee bit less of a mess today but it has a long way to go. I think I got rid of about six empty bottles of condiments and other things by “combinding” them with stuff that was already here. Aaaarrgh! Why why why why do we have two squeeze bottles of mayo AND mustard? STOP BUYING THEM!!!! Or at least ASK if we are out of them before buying them. And I have TWO big containers of iodized salt. Why oh why does the Soo Meijer not have small salt shakers? I mean of REGULAR, iodized salt. They have every other kind of salt under the sun. Of course, as a beach urchin said, it would probably be okay to use non-iodized salt for a short time in the summer. I can’t leave salt up there for the winter because it gets all clumped together. Actually I don’t leave ANY food up there for the winter, non-perishable or not.

And on the last trip down to the Planet, I am pretty liberal about just THROWING food out. If there are a few dregs left in a bottle or whatever, I allow myself to dump it, especially if it is perishable. Half-and-half? Orange juice? I’m looking at you.

And MOE-skee-TOES? I had to come inside tonight because they were getting me a bit. At the beginning of the summer, we have them at the moominbeach but by this time, they have pretty much disappeared. But as soon as it starts getting dark on the Planet Ann Arbor, they are out.

That is about it. G’night, KW.

One Response to “Blank”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My train of thought can easily derail, especially if there are distractions. I need salt although I rarely use it. Mine is probably about 30 years old and in the big container you’re talking about.