Moomindeck dude

So this dude was waiting for me on the moomindeck when I returned from the Up North laundromat (and the reee-cycle and Meijer) this morning.

I am NOT NOT NOT NOT a Trump/MAGA fan, as many bloggy friends probably know. I was for Biden and now I am Kamala all the way. So I am not sure what to make of this dude or why he appeared on my deck. I would like to think that the “skeletor” representation of Trump/MAGA means something like a death knell for that campaign. Like has the other person in my divided household seen the “light”? Probably not. Alas.

I have never understood what people see in Trump/MAGA. Everything that Trump spews indicates that he has ONE agenda. Meee meee meee (aka Trump Trump Trump). He does not care one iota about anyone else. Why don’t people understand that? Serious question.

Nevertheless, I kinda like this dude on my deck. He didn’t put that cap on and doesn’t know what it means. And he’s kinda cute.

And I’m kinda done done done for tonight. We got porterized and then ate a late dinner (sea scallops with greens and rice) and we’re gonna take freezer chocolate chip cookies over to the Old Cabin.

And so g’night.

2 Responses to “Moomindeck dude”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Yeah, I’m getting some mixed messages from that capped skeleton. I don’t understand it either although many have made reasonable explanations of why 45 is so worshipped and can do no wrong. (even when he’s a crazy narcissistic a-hole)

  2. Pam J. Says:

    I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to understand the fixation on Trump. I just finished reading Liz Cheney’s excellent book called Oath and Honor. It’s a factual account of the Jan 6 hearings. Very powerful book. I followed the hearings very, very closely so I didn’t learn anything new. But just having it all in one place and reading it so fast I came away with a better sense of how dangerous Trump is, and maybe even more dangerous are the House and Senate republicans who support him, many of whom admitted the truth about him on January 7 but now sing his praises. Of course Liz and I would agree on almost nothing about policy, but she’s got Trump’s number and I admire her so much for sacrificing her House career to let the public know how dangerous he is. The book actually scared me. She outlines so clearly what he said he’ll do in a second administration and she points out repeatedly that we should believe him.

    Just this morning, I listened to a one-hour interview with another author, Maureen Callahan, about her new book Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed. Oddly enough, what she said in this interview helped me understand the Trump supporters. The American fascination with and love for the Kennedys is much like the love for Trump. With the *right* kind of programming, Americans — and maybe not just the Americans — can come to believe in and admire people who they would never admire in real life. Joe Kennedy, the patriarch of that clan, used his PR skills and money to create a picture of an honorable family, The Kennedys. I believe that Trump used his money and influence to do the same thing. With today’s media being so different from the media in, say, the 1960s, we should be more aware of being fooled. But sadly we’re not.

    I’ll say it proudly: we won’t be free of Trump danger until he dies, which can’t come soon enough.