Spoiled flute girl

I fit the flute gal stereotype. Female with long blonde hair. Roight. That was me. But I was also VERY GOOD. In fifth grade, I went through the beginning Rubank book in about a week, even though I was issued just about the worst flute on earth. I got through it all anyway. My parents did not have a lot of money then but they managed to buy me a new flute, which at least worked. Jeebus. I went on to be a flute performance major in college.

A facebook friend called me a spoiled flute girl after I posted a moominbeach sunset and interacted with another old friend with the location and a *brief* and incomplete history – grandparents bought it 100 years ago. I am okay with the spoiled girl comment because I know the person well enough to know he has an interesting sense of humor. What he may not know (or remember) is the shabby little bungalow my brother and I grew up in on Superior Street in Sault Ste. Siberia. We were not rich although we never lacked for anything.

Meeee? Spoiled? Eeehh I dunno. Probably somewhat. The main thing I have been spoiled by is the moominbeach. We (all of my cousins and me) are kinda spoiled by this place. Our grandparents bought this beach 100 years ago and me and my cousins still own property here. There are so many people my age around this area who remember cabins their grandparents owned but were unable (or maybe unwilling?) to keep them in the family.

P.S. That is a TERRIBLE posture for playing the flute.

One Response to “Spoiled flute girl”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My school had some stereotypes of those who played certain instruments. Flute players were the cute popular girls and the studly guys played the trumpet. Violinists like me were usually considered the nerdy “brains.” I kind of fit that description. I would love a beach cabin get away but have no desire to maintain it. You have lots of communal help from the family which makes a big difference!