Womb mates should not be room mates in a pandemic

Make no mistake, those days are not gone. People are still getting covid and some people are still dying from it and waste water testing continues to show high rates of virus in many communities.

We’re just not masking these days, even yer fav-o-rite blahgger although she STILL doesn’t hang out in big crowds in indoor spaces. But she never *has* enjoyed that kind of activity. Maybe when she was a College Girl 😉 She grock shops [mostly] early in the morning when there aren’t a lot of people around and she would go out to restaurant lunches more often if there were people around to go out for lunch with. But she’s also back to work this week, so going out to lunch isn’t really an option anyway. (Okay, good morning, my virtual VPN took forever to cycle up but when it did, there was iDeep on chat with a difficult question. Back in the saddle! Yippie-i-oh-ki-yay)

Okay, this was summer 2020 and I tried in vain to get these Womb Mates to NOT hang out close together when they went on a hiking/camping trip. Did they listen to me? We don’t need no stinkin’ masks! We were in the womb together, we can share airborne viruses and not get sick. (Not.) They were in the Lyme Lounge for this pic and I’m sure they put on the masks just to harass me. I’m sure the masks came off as soon as the pic was taken. Like how do we eat or drink a little snort through this cloth.

Nobody got covid on that trip. When I did get covid, it was January 2022, in the middle of the “omicron surge”. And these guys gave it to me, at least the one on the left. “Yeah, we ran in to Apple Pie in the woods.” Apple Pie is a North Country Trail through-hiker and she had “a cold”. Ignoring the fact that the “cold” was probably the original omicron covid variant, I’m sure hugs abounded. And it was covid. Because the womb mates both got it and brought it home to their wives, meee and The Beautiful Gay. I was probably the least sick of the four of us. Mild cough. I’ve had regular old colds that were a hell of a lot worse.

As viruses tend to do, covid seems to have mutated to be milder. All the while, those who it infects slowly build immunity to it by vaccines or infections. If a virus kills its hosts, it’s not likely to survive as a species. Something like that. I know it’s a lot more complicated than what I just said.

One Response to “Womb mates should not be room mates in a pandemic”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It was a lot worse when it started–which too many people have conveniently forgotten.