In the neighborhood

I’ll start with my usual disclaimer: I AM NOT NOT NOT NOT A TRUMP FAN.

Okay, that’s outta the way. I have been driving by this flag on my way to get grocks or do laundry, etc. all summer. I’d say the flag is a bit outdated nowadays. Or maybe it’s just Joe they hate and they like Kamala? Naw. I doubt it. But the flag is still there or at least it was yesterday. I did not leave the moominbeach today. Honestly, even a Trump voter that I know doesn’t like the flag. That is saying something.

For about a split second, I contemplated putting a Kamala sign in my Planet Ann Arbor yard. I would NEVER put up ANY political sign here on the moominbeach. Not all of the neighbors agree with my politics but I love them anyway. I mean really. People are complicated and we have to get along with each other and I won’t let politics divide us. We’ve all known each other absolutely forever. Down on the Planet, most of my neighbors are probably Kamala supporters but I live in a divided house and I’ll forgo yard signs there too.

I have put up exactly ONE yard sign down on the Planet Ann Arbor. It was when one of my friends ran for school board. My (then) neighbor Hans was a little freaked out, thinking we were putting The Landfill up for sale. No such luck, Hans. Actually we were wonderful friends he didn’t want us to move but he’s long dead now and that’s a whole ‘nother story. And actually at that time, real estate yard signs were illegal on The Planet Ann Arbor but that has since changed.

Anyway my friend (MMCB2) did get elected to the school board but when her 3-year term was coming to an end, she decided not to run again. Too much infighting, jockeying for higher political positions (i.e., state reps, etc.) for her taste. Everything but educating the kids on the Planet Ann Arbor. 20 years later with her grandchildren attending the schools, it hasn’t gotten any better. She is now involved again but in a very back seat role with a group that is trying to recruit/entice/whatever BETTER people to run for school board.

In 2016, when I still drove to an actual office to work, I got into the Ninja one morning. The Lyme Lounge was in front of me in the driveway as I started her up and YIKES there was a Trump magnet on the back of it. I panicked a bit and drove to work wondering what the f*ck? By the time I got to work (on my zen commute) I remembered that he had been at his ID twin’s house and had probably been pranked. He and I may not be politically aligned but he does NOT like to promote his politics by signage so that thing disappeared PDQ. Uh, he does wear some objectionable t-shirts but we’ll go there some other day.

One Response to “In the neighborhood”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I won’t do yard signs or bumper stickers because I don’t want to invite conflict, vandalism or personal attacks. It’s sad that it has come to that.