Voters beware

Yesterday I got a *text message* saying that the GG’s absentee ballot had been received and checked in but mine had not. I mailed mine last Monday from the moominbeach (aka the Brimley post office) so I was a little worried. This afternoon I got an *email* from saying my ballot had been received, signature verified, and checked in. Ready to be counted when the time comes.

Okay. After discussing this with the GG, my brain lit a light bulb. Wait! Ballot status is a private matter between the voter and the governmental unit collecting and processing the ballots. It isn’t any of their business whether or not they’ve received your spouse’s ballot, assuming your spouse voted (mine did). Not to mention the message came from an odd non-A2 phone number and not *exactly* an 800 number either. So probably some kind of weird “phishing” scam? At least I did not try to reply to it.

Anyway, the GG and I both voted (he was also notified by email). We probably canceled each other’s votes out but since he fixed the shower head and a whole bunch of other crapola in this quirky old cabin today, I think I will keep him around ANYWAY.

A “boring” day around here. The first thing was that when I went to put the shower head up into its holder, the holder fell apart. Like broken plastic. Okay, I guess my solo trip to the laundromat will have to morph to include the GG because he will have to go to the hardware store to buy a part to fix the shower head. Well. Also. Maybe he can return the empty beer/water cans as well. While I monitor the laundry.

We were (minorly) worried that a part for the shower fixture might not be available and we’d have to buy a whole new shower head. A part was readily available and that part was easy. Returning the cans? Three stops! I suggested Pat’s grocks but their can return didn’t open until 10 AM. So he went to Walmart and their can return was closed because they are apparently re-doing the whole thing. So he ended up at Meijer, which was where I tried to return cans a few days ago but couldn’t because the musheens were blocked by people with carts full of cans. Himself? He was alone in the can return area today.

Later, Himself and Le Marquis both suggested to just leave the cans there or offer them to other customers. Duh? Why the heck did I not think of that? I maybe had five dollars worth of cans. I would have been happy to donate that to someone who needed a bit of extra cash. Live and learn.

Oh yeah, and then Lizard Breath and I took a Green Bag of Garbage up to the “new” “dump” on the res. Partly so she would know where it was and how it works — you stop and a friendly gentleman comes out and takes your garbage bag(s) out of your trunk. LB was lucky enough to get a mini-tour of where the “old” dump was. The one I went to with my parents when I was a kid. We saw Le Marquis and The Grand Poohbah biking to the Dancing Crane Coffeehouse on our way back but we didn’t honk at them. Partly because we didn’t recognize them until we were past them but also because I don’t like to honk at pedestrians or cyclists.

One Response to “Voters beware”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Donating cans is an excellent idea! I don’t trust very many phone calls/emails these days. There is so much fraud!