Deck swabbing hornpipe

Except he’s probably anything Western European except Scot. French? Irish? German? Would be fun to find out his DNA analysis, not to mention his ID twin’s. Up to him/them though.

He picked a really hot sticky day to swab the deck. Oh, not anywhere near 100. Maaayybeee the lower 80s but humid and fly-ey on the beach, which is where I decamped to when he started this swabbing operation. An operation I am ecstatic about. Himself: “At least it isn’t black any more.” I could smell the Pinesol from the beach. It’s not my fave smell but I lived.

Meeeee? My first day of vacation? Filled out my absentee ballot (August primary) and drove it up to Brimley to hand-deliver it to the post office. Bought band-aids at the park store on the way back. Also bacon and frozen hash browns (staples around here in the summer). They did not have walnuts or any other kinds of nuts that I could find but did have chia seeds? Whut? Later on, the GG was able to find walnuts at the Brimley Dollar Store which he went to for Pinesol. Go figger.

Thunderstorms rolled all around us most of the day but although we got a good rainstorm in the afternoon, anything severe was always in the distance. We needed what rain we got and it seems to have eradicated the Pinesol smell.

Young adult cousins visited the moomindeck in the evening to get lightly ‘hattan-ized and many interesting conversations ensued. I’ll leave you with this loverly ditty about Vernher von Braun (who the GG is currently reading about). One never knows what topics of conversation will come up at the moominbeach.

G’night, KW

One Response to “Deck swabbing hornpipe”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That deck is looking good; I don’t like the smell of Pinesol either and never have any around the house. Rainy here and I love it!