Blahgiversary (plus one day)

21 years ago yesterday (7/22/2003) was my first blahg entry. I was at the moomincabin with one daughter (in the pic) while the GG and the other daughter were still on The Planet Ann Arbor. I am not a fan of phone calls and thought if I wrote a blahg entry every day, it might cut down on the need to call. I think I remember that being at least somewhat successful.

Back then I was “rolling my own”, meaning I did not have blogging software and wrote html/css code myself. I did that every day until sometime in 2006 when I glommed on to a platform that provided WordPress blogging software. That worked for a while until they had some kind of major problem and I lost service for a couple weeks or something. I had to beg the overworked, underpaid, UNCARING tech support folks for my database but eventually I got it. My friend The Guru saved the day by yanking me and my database onto his own platform, also WordPress but MUCH more stable.

The pic is the first pic I posted. It is my then teenaged mouse with “Bob” in the background. Bob was a piece of driftwood that my brother set up with sunglasses and other pieces of attire (not really visible in the pic or maybe Bob hadn’t gotten dressed that day). My brother died in 2005 but he was an occasional guest blahgger on ababsurdo in its early years and wrote a couple of hilarious entries. Eventually Bob disintegrated and is long gone. I don’t *think* this pic was taken by my old Sony Mavica. I *think* I had a Canon or something by then. The pic doesn’t look as pixelated as the ones the Mavica took. I loved the Mavica *anyway*, floppy disks and all.

I have kept my old html archives but many of the links on the left nav probably don’t work any more. I am cracking myself up revisiting what I wrote about my blahg when I made the archive page. *I* don’t post about politics???? Say what? I could reasonably ignore that topic then but now that the USA has taken on a fugly orange tinge…

So, who knew? 1) That I would still be blahgging 21 years later. 2) That one of the many things I now get paid to do is write html/css code. And a bit of Javascript just to keep me on my toes.

3 Responses to “Blahgiversary (plus one day)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I am impressed with what you did to create a blog–I would have had no clue, still don’t. 🙂 I rarely post about politics but often respond about them to like-minded folks on email or on their blogs.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    Interesting background. Thx. Ha! In this house rolling my own has an entirely different meaning.

  3. Pam J. Says:

    And! One of my best friends is now in Traverse City, MI. She loves your state and I get frequent text updates on her travels around and about.