
This little red squirrel and her buddy chase each other all over the yard and up onto the deck constantly. It can be quite the commotion. She seemed interested in the impatiens momentarily but ultimately didn’t bother them. The impatiens are absolutely amazing this year but that’s beside the point. Last year Heinrich (snowshoe hare) or maybe some deer ate them.

Later on, I was inside doing something in the moominkitchen and there was more commotion on the deck but this time there was a kind of a big bang. Like bigger than two little red squirrels would make. I didn’t check it out though. I went back out on the deck to read and then Le Marquis approached, which started up a commotion on the ground below the deck. What the heck is that? It was a wounded bird. A grackle I think (read on).

Apparently it had hit the western picture window. This happens quite frequently but more often than not, the bird is stunned but comes to in a bit and flies away. This bird was not able to fly. I watched it flapping and fluttering along the ground. When I last saw it, it was out by the shed and another bird was watching over it. Its mate maybe? Ugh.

I didn’t see it after that but a few minutes later a whole flock of black birds flew overhead. Merlin told me they were grackles.

People on the Planet Ann Arbor are always asking on next door neighbor (which I love to hate) what to do with injured birds and aminals. I. Did. Not. Do. Anything. There are a lot of wildlife rescue outfits down on the planet. I don’t have a clue what is available in the yooperland. Plus. Could I catch this bird? Probably not, the way it was flapping and fluttering around.

I do feel bad though. I hate to see any living being (except moe-SKEE-toes and biting flies) suffer and die and I have no doubt this bird will die if it hasn’t already. Maybe this bird got a proper send-off from its mate(?) and that whole flock. It was bizarre and I wish I knew what was going on.

One Response to “Nature”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It broke my heart when a bird flew into my parents’ living room window. This would be tough for me to handle. The impatiens are looking great. My annuals are doing very well also.