What if god was one of us?

I don’t want to talk or even think about politics tonight. But one of the things I am struggling with is the crapola I’ve been hearing about how various people (some of them elected officials, like the Texas governor maybe?) are stating that “God” kept Trump from being killed last weekend because “God” wants Trump to be our next president.

BULLSHIT! Sorry about the capital letters but if the Republican Trumpian party can write its “platform” in capital letters, I can write BULLSHIT in capital letters. Trump randomly turned his head and mostly missed the bullet.

One of our country’s founding principals is supposedly religious freedom. To me that means that people are free to practice whatever religion they believe in. Or none if they don’t believe there is an entity that mindfully created our universe and actually CARES about us lowly humans on the lowly Planet Earth. As I have said before, there may be some entity somewhere who has created all of this stuff but I doubt that entity cares about our lowly planet with its churches and mosques and temples and henges and whatever. All religions are human constructs to try to make sense of what we (humans) can’t make sense of. They are all fine as long as people don’t try to use religion to control other people.

I’m done with politics tonight although I seem to be settling in to the Republican Trumpian convention again. What the f*ck will Trump say?

But okay, today… Laundry, Pat’s Grocery, work (where I and some others found out – surprise! – the whole company has a day off tomorrow), an afternoon trip to the Bay Mills Indian Community farmers market (tomatoes, cucumber, and stromboli from the the former owners of Karl’s Cuisine). Followed by an evening with the cousins at the Old Cabin.

What if God was one of us? (youtube link). “Nobody callin’ on the phone. ‘cept the pope maybe in Rome.”

3 Responses to “What if god was one of us?”

  1. le Marquis Says:


  2. Pam J. Says:

    Love that picture! I may have told you I’m trying to learn to paint with watercolors and I may use your photo as inspiration. If so, I’ll show you the result (assuming the result is worth sharing). You know what I say about the RNC convention? [Fingers in ears…La-la-la-La-la-la-La-la-la-La-la-la-La-la-la-.]

  3. Margaret Says:

    Apparently school children aren’t worth saving since God would prefer to spare T. What a crock of shite!