79 percenter
For those of you who wait with bated breath (or not) for my daily blahg of blather, no there was no entry yesterday. I started one, then npJane came over for an adult beverage, THEN my DNA test results came in, and when I finally got back around to finishing my entry, the server was down (or something). So y’all got a day off. You’re welcome.
So, the results? Drum roll… 79% Scottish, 7% Irish, 10% some Scandihoovian countries, and 4% England and Wales. Did this surprise me? No it did not. I’ve pretty much always known more or less what I’m made of although Scandinavia was never anything “official”, just a guess. The Commander always said something about German but she also called it “Pennsylvania Dutch”. I’m not sure what Pennsylvania Dutch actually means (no, I haven’t googled it) but Germany was not represented in my results.
Interestingly enough, the results actually pointed out Caithness (northern Scotland) as being where my DNA mainly hails from. Thanks to an amateur genealogist in the family, I have a book documenting my family’s connection to that area including a picture purporting to be the old farmstead. If I have it right, that would be where my dad’s paternal grandfather was born.
I’m not sure what (if anything) to do with this information. Going in to this, I was adamantly a hard NO for making the results “public” (within Ancestry I mean). Now I find myself intensely interested and am “sitting on my hands” so as not to flip the switch without thinking about it some more. I suppose I could always turn it off again.
Some of the things I *can* get at are, hmmm… I’m not sure what word(s) to use but here are some examples. I am an introvert (YES YES YES!). I smell asparagusP (yes). I like individual sports over team sports (yes) but I like to *watch* sports (not really although I did watch Umich win the Rose Bowl this year). I am a night person (NO WAY!!!). I am not a pet owner. No I am not but not because I don’t like aminals. I am a one-dog woman even on a three-dog night and that dog died after I went to college. I play a musical instrument. Yes albeit not so much any more but I spent YEARS of my youth playing the flute and I can manage the “puano” except I am hampered a bit by small hands. Anyway…
The can depicts a barred owl (“who cooks for you”). It was purchased at a brewpub down in O-haaa-o near Hocking Hills by our mouse-ish beach urchin and the GG finally drank it. I don’t think we are eager to get rid of this artifact.
June 1st, 2024 at 12:55 pm
My dad was heavily Scottish too and a bit Scandinavian from the Vikings who conquered that area. Pennsylvania Dutch aren’t Dutch, they’re Deutsch (German).