Asparagus (not from Chile)

The farmers market is in full swing and I knew (because I follow the market on facebook) that asparagus was available. I mean LOCAL asparagus. It seems a wee bit early but apparently it’s not because I got two beautiful bunches at 0-skunk-30 this morning.

I had to figger a new place to park. “They” are building a new “affordable” housing unit on the parking lot I have been using for umpteen bazillion years to shop at Kerrytown and the market. Sigh. I am all for making housing in the city more affordable but a lot of this seems to be left to developers to figure out. I don’t think developers care much (in their greedy little grinch hearts) about providing “affordable” housing. I am also not too sure that most people who are looking for housing, “affordable” or not, desire to live in seven (or 14) story buildings. When I was looking for “affordable” housing back in the day, I also wanted a back yard I could WALK out to without taking an elevator.

This is a hot button issue in our small, expensive city. I do not have the answers to this conundrum but the trolls on Next Door Neighbor who meet every person who questions high-rise developments in our city with “let’s welcome our new neighbors” leave me a bit cold. High-rise housing may have a place in our city but these places are NOT all “affordable” and I won’t even begin to get into the transportation issues of getting to a comprehensive grocery store. The farmers market does not sell toilet paper…

Okay I am done with that incomprehensible rant. I had company for dinner tonight. It was a gorgeous evening for eating in the back yard (which we could WALK out to without taking an elevator) and the conversation was loverly. I needed that.

I did not pick a horse for today’s Kentucky Derby. I didn’t watch it and don’t know who won but the names totally sucked. Did Corporate America pick them or what?

2 Responses to “Asparagus (not from Chile)”

  1. le Marquis Says:

    Looking at the GG’s legs, he is no leprechaun now. He must be well over six feet tall!

  2. Margaret Says:

    Housing and lack thereof are hot button issues here too.