Purple… (or yellow?)

This morning was “zoom” coffee with MMCB. We’ve now migrated to Tuesday mornings. It doesn’t really matter to me what morning. I can get online just about any old morning.

MMCB are Jewish so as you might imagine, the topics of late very often touch on Israel. And Palestine. And Gaza. And Hamas. Aaaaaand now Iran. I follow along as well as I can but don’t really understand all of the issues. I do know that they are so overwhelmingly complicated that I am not the person to try to untangle them. I will say that my personal Jewish friends are humanitarian mensches first and foremost and wish for everyone to get along together. We also talk about local politics…

After a bit we happily threw our hands up in the air and got on to our middle school days. I mean our kids’ middle school days. That is when our coffee clatch started down at Cafe Zola. Most of the folks we met with then have moved on (we are still friendly with them) but somehow we have stuck together, moving to Barry Bagels and then “zoom” with COVID. I am thinking we may venture back to Barry’s in the not too distant future. One of us (not me) has had a string of respiratory viruses including a second COVID case and we want to protect her.

So purple. One of our original Cafe Zola moms and a LONG time neighborhood friend of mine came up in the conversation. Vicky is ALWAYS over-the-top. Once another friend called her “the woman who never has a bad day”. Well, I knew that was not true but most people would never know it the way she cheerfully brute-forces her way through life.

This morning I recounted the day she painted her living room royal purple. I had been up and down her street numerous times that day. It was a Saturday and her husband and their two boys were off on a Boy Scout junket. I felt like something was going on but not sure what it was. At the end of the day I was walking by and she came out on her porch DRESSED HEAD TO TOE IN PURPLE and said, “Get in here!”

SHE HAD PAINTED ALL OF THE WALLS IN HER LIVING ROOM PURPLE! I walked by there again the next day and her husband, returned from the Boy Scout trip, was sitting on the porch looking straight into space. A neighbor (who was probably also on the Boy Scout trip) down the street was yelling, “Got purple walls John?”

My purple friend, after struggling for years to find a *lucrative* career ended up in real estate and she is successful at that, which doesn’t surprise me. She divorced and remarried but her then husband hangs out with her and the new husband and whoever.

We were really close when our kids were in grade school and middle school but we have both kinda moved on now. She doesn’t live in the neighborhood any more (although her then husband does). Not that we are not friends. We occasionally connect on Linked In and Facebook. But we have moved on and that is okay.

One Response to “Purple… (or yellow?)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I love purple but not on walls. It’s sad to drift apart from friends although it’s also normal and happens frequently as our lives change.