It’s all over except the faaarworks

I had actually forgotten about the fireworks until just now (11:10) when I first heard them somewhere out in the street.

We spent our second NYE at our older beach urchin’s house a couple miles NE of us here on the Planet Ann Arbor. For a long time we did not celebrate NYE with anyone except ourselves in our own house. We welcome others but the stars often don’t line up for others to be in town at the right time.

The fireworks have already petered out. I don’t actually mind them and hope for more. In fact back in the day, the GG used to compete a bit with Mr. Natural aka our late neighbor Burke to the north of us. Little did we know in those days that he had dynamite in his basement.

One fateful NYE the GG was setting off fireworks in the back yard and one tipped over and came in the (open) back doorwall as it exploded. What a wonderful ending to the year. Or was it the beginning… 1997 was the next year and that’s the year we were hit with a massive ice storm that took out our refrigerator (it was high time) and a computer and I fergit what else. Later that year we were on our way to the yooperland when we were hit by a tornado. Somehow I always remember NYE 1996 when I think of 1997.

Heading off to bed for the year. G’night.

One Response to “It’s all over except the faaarworks”

  1. Margaret Says:

    There weren’t as many fireworks this year as in past ones; my cul-de-sac was quiet. Mari could hear some booms that made her nervous but after midnight, there was mostly nothing.