Is it a little cold in here?

Well, yes. Yes it was. It was just barely on my radar screen. I did NOT notice that the furnace wasn’t really running. It would go on but then it would go off. Something like that.

Here’s the *good* news. There was a number on the furnace to call for “emergency” service. If it were the cable company or something you might expect a long convoluted phone prompt navigation ending in “we’ll call you back.” Yeah, right. BUT. The GG called the number. A PERSON answered it IMMEDIATELY! He said he would be out around 8:00 AM. Okay. We can handle one night. We are part-time yoopers and have about a bazillion blankets around here so we piled a Chief Joseph on top of the comforter and Hudson Bay blanket and we were fine.

And guess what? He arrived a few minutes after eight! On top of that, he diagnosed the problem QUICKLY (leaves and other detritus were blocking a duct or something like that). Of course the one time we needed our shop vac, it was over at the country mouse’s house. That was okay (and NOT a subtweet). Furnace guy had one in his truck. So we are good to go and we also had him do an inspection. Oh, and FRIENDLY? YES! Always a plus.

I had to laugh. As I said earlier, the furnace wasn’t completely dead and apparently it ran enough times overnight that when I got up to take a shower at 0-skunk-30, it was 61 in the house. That got me laughing because during the summer at the moomincabin, we occasionally wake up to *40*-something temps. The difference is that even in the yooperland, MOST days (in the summer) it gets up at least into the 70s so a little blast from the propane stove in the morning and maybe a pair of socks and a fleece jacket is all we need. Today on The Planet Ann Arbor, the highest outside temp I saw was 35.

So here is the GG helping the furnace guy blow the detritus out of the duct or whatever it was they were actually doing. It was all done in plenty of time for the GG to walk down to the home team stadium (where he ate his first corn dog EVER). From there, he headed over to the Land of Porterization where they watched the home team BEAT Ohio State. I did not watch. I can’t keep track of feetsball let alone find the game on TV. But I checked the score on my phone from time to time. The Land of Porterization is close enough to the stadium that they can hear the cheering. Other than that, my closest encounter with the game was an 0-skunk-30 run to Meijer, where people were decked out in the usual crazy looking maize and blue attire but it was a smooth shopping trip with no waiting at the u-scan.

One Response to “Is it a little cold in here?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Furnaces often misbehave this time of year–just when we need them most! I’m glad you weren’t too uncomfortable and had a successful repair experience.