Black as the ace of spades

This pic is not from *this* morning, it is from yesterday. *This* morning was black as the ace of spades even though the sun rose at, hmmm, 7:27, I guess. Gray is really a better description of the color but it felt black and I used my headlights when I made a Plum dash at 8:00.

At the end of the day we met up with our potter beach urchin for an open house at the local potter’s guild. This guild pre-dates my residence in this town and it was funny that a few people looked familiar to me. I guess I have seen them at the art fair or the farmers market or one of the grocery stores or whatever. Long time residents. I know absolutely NOTHING about pottery but enjoyed looking around at my kid’s pieces and others. I looked up the guild facebook page today and enjoyed the videos of potters smashing objects that didn’t turn out exactly how they wanted. Pieces of art don’t always turn out the way you have envisioned them.

After that we did VOT although I didn’t participate right away because I was cooking dinner (sea scallops and greens with rice). The people on the facetime call were discussing clothing and the word “crotch” kept coming up. A fave word of The Commander. “Her crotch is full of sand” and other statements. I long ago stopped worrying about how pants fit in the “crotch” and other places. I exclusively wear skirts and the ones I wear have elastic waists. Mass marketed *fitted* clothing is not made to fit individual people and why be uncomfortable when other choices are easily available. I do wear leggings in the winter (for warmth when I am outside) but, as knitted garments, they are also not fitted. We’ll talk about pockets some other day.

I am at the end for the day. Actually I was at the end a few hours ago. G’night, KW.

One Response to “Black as the ace of spades”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m always seeing people around my town who look familiar; did I have them in class, are they someone’s parent, have I seen them at the grocery store, did we work together, etc? There are SO many connections because of my 67 years in this place. That’s both a good and bad thing!