Company holiday

Today was [insert my 3-letter company name here] Day. So I got a paid day off. This began in 2020. Something to do with the pandemic but I’m not totally sure what. Lots of stuff about people needing time off, etc., etc., etc. I get six weeks off. Not too shabby.

So it’s cool. I did kinda need a day off from working in the Lyme Lounge in high heat. What did I do with my day off? I did laundry. I don’t mean that it took me all day to do the laundry. I schlepped a basket of laundry into the Up North Laundry in Sault Ste. Siberia. It’s across from the post office. Just before I got outta my car I saw the Mean Old Grunchy Old Grinchy’s vee-hickle over at the post office. I could tell by the tons of mail through his front window (don’t ask, you don’t wanna know). He didn’t see me. I was still in Cygnus and I don’t think he recognizes Cygnus, at least not when she is out of context, like not behind the moomincabin garage. Oh well.

I love the Up North Laundry. They have an app to use the warshing musheens so you don’t have to put umpteen bazillion quarters in to get your warshing musheen going. Dryers are a whole different thing and still require quarters. The problem I had today was there were NO BENCHES outside the laundromat. I LOVE sitting outside waiting for my stuff to wash and dry. It was okay with the washing because I walked down to the locks and got a message when the washer was done. I had to sit and wait inside for the dryers. I didn’t mask at that point because was I waaaaay off in the back area where I do my laundry where nobody usually is. And then a woman (friendly) came along to put her stuff into a dryer. i didn’t put a mask on. She was pretty close to me. I hope I don’t get covid from her.

One Response to “Company holiday”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Covid has changed me forever and I don’t like it much. I used to be so friendly and now I’m hesitant about close contact. Still hot up there, eh? We have a nearly perfect 75 degrees with a breeze. My wind chimes are chiming and I’m finally able to drink a beer. Tastes great!