From the small world department
Lightweight farmers market haul today: scallions, spinach, kale, and apples. Oh yeah, and Copper River salmon!!! Then plum where the uber cheerful store manager was working the service desk. I forget what he said to me but I am obviously a recognized person. Whatever it was he said I told him that I’d been shopping there since it opened (16 years ago) and that I lived in the “neighborhood”.
The fish market was a trip today. The counter guy and the customer ahead of me were talking and I heard the counter guy say he was going “up north” this week. Of course I had to ask whereya goin’? Kalkaska. So I said I was going to Sault Ste. Siberia. He asked if I knew so-and-so and I DID!!! To be completely accurate, I do not PERSONALLY know the person he named. He is a bit older than me and I think he may have hung out with a few of my cousins and the older Piedy “kids” back in the day. But my family and his family are very familiar with each other and their family beach/cabin property is maybe a half mile west of ours. Anyway, the fish counter guy’s mother is MARRIED to said person. Small world and very very often when somebody asks if I know someone from up there, I do NOT. Very often it is my husband who is asking that question…
I spent the morning doing laundry and some pre-packing chores and replied to an email from my cousin UKW (and did our daily word puzzles). The GG has been futzing around with some recalcitrant lug nuts on the Lyme Lounge ALL DAY!!! Around noon, he received a call from my cousin Pooh’s husband asking if we wanted to meet them for lunch. They’ve been in town visiting their branch of the fam but we haven’t seen them. I did my usual COVID Panic Dance and then threw caution to the winds and we met them at the Griz where I questioned someone and found out (alas) that our old bartender buddy Janel does not work there any more. I miss her and hope she’s doing well.
Oh and then! We were outside saying our farewells and all of a sudden the GG was yelling LIZ! ELIZABETH! And there was our beach urchin walking across the street. She was on her way to the library but came over for a fugly-op and probably walked to the library with our cousins since that was where they had parked their car.
A day of coincidences and other small world stuff. My life isn’t ALWAYS as boring as my blahg might indicate
May 21st, 2023 at 1:27 pm
The older I get the more I realize how the expression “it’s such a small world” is very apropos.