Rough night (in a first world way)
First, this is not my photo or my kayak. Credit to my
out on the chain of lakes in Washtenaw County with her new yak. I stole it from a text message.
I almost always wake up at that Batscope Hour (3-something) and make a quick trip to the Water Closet. I did that last night and then… I did not go back to sleep at all. That is unusual for me. I usually either go right back to sleep or hang out for a bit trying to make my brain stop (somewhere besides salami). If worse comes to worst, I fall into REM dreams just before the time I want to get up. Last night. My sleeping partner spent HOURS tossing and turning and incessantly sleep-talking. He remembers NOTHING of this and I truly believe that but I sure couldn’t sleep. At one point I was just about settled down when a SKUNK walked by.
We won’t talk about how CRABBY I was about the Ed Sullivan re-runs that were on when I first went to bed. I had already started to doze off on the Green Couch and was looking forward to descending calmly and quietly further into sleep after a quick Water Closet stop. So I thought the TV was waaaay loud. I was told I was CRABBY. Yes. I was.
I actually do okay when I don’t get a perfect night of sleep and I did so today. I am somehow programmed to get up early and I do no matter how badly I sleep. And this doesn’t happen all that often. I am usually pretty efficient about putting myself back to sleep even when I can’t make my brain stop. On salami or whatever.
June 13th, 2022 at 9:24 pm
My husband always started work later than I did, being self-employed and hating traffic so he had the TV on downstairs loud sometimes or had animated political discussions with Ashley. And I DID get crabby and yell at him that *someone* had to get up at 5:30 am for work.