That’s my ‘gar
I won’t try to describe the twists and turns we went through to cook a chicken on the grill tonight. It was a Sparrow Market chicken that I brought up from the Planet Ann Arbor and the GG’s eyes totally lit up when I showed it to him a while after I got here on Thursday. Look what I have
One of the twists was that we don’t seem to have a meat thermometer here. I feel like we’ve been through this search before and I can’t believe we don’t have something like FIVE meat thermometers but whatever. The GG rummaged the Old Cabin kitchen and found a sugar thermometer but not a meat thermometer. So he headed over to cousin Judd’s place and was more successful plus Judd came over and was so much fun to talk to as he always is. I remember when he was born and slept in a dresser drawer when he stayed up here at his grandma’s place (where he is living now). A meat thermometer is now on the GG’s hardware store list. I told him I’d put it on my list but he wants to choose his own and that’s fine with me. Whew! Something off my list.
And then we ran out of propane halfway through cooking our chicken. We put it in the oven while the GG made a quick trip to Brimley to get more propane and now it’s back on the grill.
Last I looked he was smoking a cee-gar. He is a very occasional cigar smoker. Neither of us have ever smoked cigarettes outside of minimal experimental stuff when we were very young. My parents were also not cigarette smokers but my dad often smoked a cigar after dinner when I was very young. And don’t talk to me about marijuana. I am a 1970s college student so I HAVE tried it but I did NOT get along with it.
My little brother emulated my dad by smoking ‘gars aka CRAYONS! He was like three years old. My main memory was a big yellow crayon that was his favorite ‘gar. That ‘gar rolled around all over the Old Cabin, where we spent our summers before we built the moomincabin. It got really dirty (in my opinion) but The Commander didn’t seem to be bothered by that as much as I was.
May 28th, 2022 at 10:47 pm
I actually like ‘gars. (I should probably run and hide). I’ve always loved the smell (that and pipe tobacco, which makes me think of my grandpa). Several of us girlfriends, when we’d get together, would often enjoy a sleeker more feminine ‘gar in years past. I’m with you about never getting along with da weed.
May 28th, 2022 at 11:46 pm
I don’t like ‘gars but I used to enjoy the smell of my dad’s pipe when I was very little. I third Tonya and you in our mutual dislike of weed.