Alien visitation
If you embiggen, you might be able to see who the three-eyed alien is (and if you know the GG).
It’s that time of year again. Whaddya want for xmas? Meeee? I have one thing on my list (which I haven’t sent to anyone yet). The GG is annoyed with me about the whole thing so he “threatened” to buy me a toaster. I said sure! This time get me one that I can clean easily.
I have a perfectly good basic toaster. (We won’t talk about the two old “inherited” toasters in the dungeon.) I use it occasionally. The only thing I don’t like about it is that the “plate” or whatever you call it at the bottom does not come completely off the toaster, making it difficult to clean. I mean toasters are by definition hard to clean because you can’t immerse them in water, even when they’re not plugged in ⚡️⚡️⚡️. Nevertheless, I don’t really want a new toaster. The thing I’m terrified about is that if I get a new toaster, I will own FOUR toasters! Three in the dungeon and one upstairs.
He was surprised that I even entertained the idea of a toaster xmas gift and ‘fessed up that he was kidding about it.
Besides the one item I have on my list (I promise I’ll publish it soon), there are a few things I do want but they are not easily packaged xmas gifts.
I want a frickin’ smoke alarm that TEXTS me when the battery is low. it is totally traumatic to have your smoke alarm wake you up in the middle of the night with loud noises and a voice saying “fire, fire”. Jeebus. There was no fire. So why did it wake me up?
I want a new couch in my front room pandemic office. We’ll see what happens with that. We would also have to get rid of the Green Couch. It’s time.
Other than that, I don’t really know what I want for xmas. Less stuff, mostly.
November 23rd, 2021 at 8:25 pm
I can’t think of too much I want. Mostly cookie baking and time with the family with board games to follow. I THINK we’ve decided not to give adult gifts. We’ll see if everyone follows through. I’ll give the kids money or in Alison’s case, a set of 4 all-season tires.