Humans aren’t the only ones with COVID hair
This is a clematis plant, one that blooms in the late summer. I sure wish my flashy purple June-blooming ones were still around. They kicked the bucket a couple years ago. But what a head o’ hair this one has!
Moving along. I got myself all [re]-set up with Word and Excel via a subscription. I shouldda known that’s how it worked. I think that’s how we get our work app updates. But I don’t manage updates at work, they come from Ivan and his gang up on the Mothership. I do not need Outlook or Power Point and Visio is fun but I don’t need it outside of work. But those two apps I needn and it was painless to update them so that’s a good thing.
This weekend I’ll have to figger out my new photo processing routine. My old one:
— Take an iPhone photo.
— Put it on Instagram if it’s interesting enough and app it there.
— Port it over to my MacBook Pro via email AirDrop.
— Upload it to Photos.
— Export it to Bridge (associated with Photoshop).
— Run it through Photoshop to create a web-optimized version and sometimes crop or correct color, if I didn’t already do that in Instagram.
— Upload it to my blahg.
My stopgap until the weekend is:
— Take an iPhone photo.
— Put it on Instagram if it’s interesting enough and app it there.
— Upload it to my blahg from my phone.
— Switch to my MacBook Pro to add the text to my blahg.
Will have to come up with a new procedure. The Guru had a photo processing app suggestion a while back, which I can’t find now so I’ll have to pester him . I’ll get there. I will miss Photoshop. I took three classes in it and one in Illustrator and they were fun and I was not all that bad. I’ll have to make sure I have jpgs of some of those prodjects, especially the totally over-the-top daffodil one. But onward.
January 28th, 2021 at 9:22 pm
New procedures are difficult to adjust to, then we adapt. I’ve never had Photoshop. I take a picture with my phone, save it into Google photos, then send certain ones to my email so I can download them to my laptop. And sometimes to my blog.
January 28th, 2021 at 9:25 pm
Affinity Photo by Serif! Here’s a link. it’s half off right now!