Twitter play #5098
Setting: Landfill front room, Planet Ann Arbor
Cast: Kayak Woman, the GG
Act 1
GG: Going to the hardware store.
KW [naggingly]: Mask?
GG: [walks out door in silence]
Act 2 [10 minutes later, not near enough time for a trip to the hardware store]
[GG pulls in the driveway and comes back inside]
KW: ???
GG: Need a mask.
P.S. In all fairness, he probably walked out the door in silence because he didn’t HEAR me because he’s been wearing earphones lately. I was initially annoyed but now I’m thinking it has its advantages…
October 14th, 2020 at 5:44 pm
Glad he didn’t get all the way there without a mask. I carry several in my car.