Rain rain (don’t) go away
It was a banner day for freighters passing up and down the upper St. Marys but I couldn’t see most of them very well because it rained ALL DAY!
Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. It was a beautiful day of rain with temperatures in the 50s or so. I spent my time cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and organizing food to be schlepped down to the Planet Ann Arbor tomorrow. I did not clean the floors because it was too humid for them to dry.
Even though (after much back and forth) we seem NOT to be closing the moomincabin tomorrow, I am taking all of the food down to the Planet, perishable or not. We don’t normally have rodents here and I don’t want to tempt them to find ways in.
We’ve been going back and forth about our closing date. Tomorrow or early October. There is road work to be done this fall and it can’t really happen until the fiber optic installation is finished and some people may want to be up here to help with the road work. This is okay with me and I am glad we aren’t totally closing tomorrow. It’s always a mad scramble to schlep all of the crapola outta the moomincabin AND shut down the plumbing, etc., and we only have one vee-hickle with us on this trip so space is a bit limited.
The GG spacified me today by attending a North Country Trail hike up northwest of Tahquamenon. Guess what? Only one other person showed up (and it was TW, one of my fave NCT people). I was feeling a little guilty about not going but I wanted to hang out here. I knew if I drove from here to a whole bunch of miles up past Tahq and hiked a bunch of miles in the rain and drove back, I would be taaaarred (and cold because rain) and I would NOT feel like packing and cleaning and making dinner, etc.
The pic is from a few nights back when we had an actual sunset. Not sure if we’ll get a sunset tonight or not but guessing not.
September 12th, 2020 at 7:12 pm
As I look out into the gray smoke, I’m longing for some of your rain.