Before. Waaaaay before…
First a disclaimer. I did not take this photo. My uber cuzzint Pooh sent it to me. I texted it to my dad’s grandchildren, then I posted it on Instagram, cropping it and apping it along the way. I did NOT ask for permission to use this photo and I didn’t ask permission to fold, spindle and mutilate it aka app it. So asking for forgiveness I guess
. I LOVE this pic.
That’s my beloved aunt Radical Betty and my dad (her older brother) and we are all at their older brother Don’s 60th anniversary celebration with his wife Katie aka The White Tornado. These two people have been dead for a while along with their big brother and alas, their much younger sister Bubs, who died in March during the early waves of COVID, although she did not die of the disease. They were all so much fun and I miss them all. I don’t have words for why I miss them and if I did, it would take up many posts.
We hosted our first visitor today since *before*. It was my “baby” cousin npJane, whose mom was Bubs. She parked such that she didn’t have to enter the Landfill to access the back yard, where we could appropriately social distance. The main topic was a minor plumbing issue at the Old Cabin that npJane didn’t have time to research/fix when she was up there but the GG will definitely be able to sort out when he heads back up.
It felt soooo good to meet with my cousin in the back yard today. We’ve been wanting to meet since her mom’s death but so often spring weather in the Great Lake State is crappy enough that meeting outside is not feasible and so we haven’t really been able to do it.
I hope we can someday get back to some sort of “normalcy” but it has to be science-based, not political. We did talk about an afternoon backyard social distancing whine type event where My Dear Uncle Harry (npJane’s dad) could join us and I am totally on board with that
Love y’all. But let’s “open up” slowly!!!
June 11th, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Distancing and outdoors feels safe to me. I’m hoping to have people over and do something like that, if it quits raining! I agree that opening up needs to be SLOW and normality needs to be science based. Unfortunately, we’re seeing the results of the opposite in places like Texas, Arizona and South Carolina.
June 11th, 2020 at 8:34 pm
I know Harry would appreciate some human interaction. He is a social person. So many changes for him in a short time.
June 12th, 2020 at 6:43 am
I have no problem with your version of the photo! Although, I was surprised when I first saw it, because I’ve been working with the pics at a smaller scale. Then I read the words and saw that you’d apped it. Love!