Turd Toad, Metatoad
Okay, what is this? It almost looks like a turd, roight? Nope. It’s just Toady, you know, the guy who keeps on crashing those motorcars. It was dark and we were walking home from Knight’s (sea scallops for me!) and I’m just glad none of us stepped on the cute li’l guy.
And because I love meta stuff, here is a pic of the photographer. And Mr. Toad. Photo credit to our fave raccoon.
Aaaannnddd… My tech issues are now 90% resolved since I got my VPN phone app to work today. Turned out I didn’t need to talk to a tech support person, my BRAIN figured it out. Delete the phone app and download it again. Duh. And that worked…
Alas, I had an “accident” while schlepping all my work stuff and a couple grokkery bags and a piece of mail into the Landfill after work. I was struggling with Disco Lock (again) and I DROPPED a grocery bag. On our cee-ment front porch. There wasn’t a whole lot in the bag but there WAS a GLASS bottle of vermouth. Yes, it broke. The grokkery bag was a fancy cloth insulated bag so it contained the glass nicely but not the liquid. I had not planned on cleaning up a mess like that when I got home from work so I was NOT a happy camper.
Because the damn bag was leaking all over, I grabbed a PLASTIC grokkery bag (they DO have some uses) and put the leaky cloth bag inside it. I got that into the chitchen sink, emptied the broken glass into a big plastic bowl, then dumped the contents of the bowl into a colander and set THAT on top of the bowl to drain some more. I threw out the cloth bag because I couldn’t be sure I had gotten all of the glass bits out of it. It’s okay. The insulation was starting to tear anyway. That happens.
Alas, another casualty of the debacle… We received a sweet note from our sister today and because it also dropped onto the porch, it got soaked. Fortunately I read the note *before* this happened. If you know me, you know I sort my snail mail over the recycle bin (right outside the front door) and nothing including envelopes gets inside the Landfill unless it is addressed to someone else and is not obvious junkola. Hand-written letters/notes make the cut to go inside. I’m not good at writing them but I appreciate those who are.
I guess I could use a couple days off work and it’s probably fortunate that I get to ride with npJane this time 🐽
September 18th, 2019 at 10:09 pm
I do the same things-try to carry everything all at once, and sort my mail in the garage right by the recycler. No junk mail gets inside the house! I also drop things, but have been lucky so far. I did think I destroyed the orange juice last time, but it was just the cap that popped and so it was leaking. It’s OK now. 🙂